Thursday, March 31, 2005


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March 19, 2005

For the past months the United Mapuans never took its rest in leading the fight for preservation of the legacy of our beloved founder Don Tomas Mapua. In this fight, though we never really had a concrete victory at hand, we owe everything to you students for reaching this far.

We held a lot of rallies and demonstrations for this cause and the remarkable "Black Valentines" was one event that all of us Mapuans must be proud of. It not only put us in HISTORY by having the biggest population of mass rally participated in by students, next to EDSA II, and the largest population of mass walkout made by students from an educational institution in the Philippines but also it kindled the flame for student empowerment. Students from different universities and colleges were inspired by what we have done in fighting for a cause that we believe was being stepped upon by the school administration. We are now being regarded highly by students.

In line with this, we encourage you again ,our beloved Mapuan, to join us in spearheading another MASSIVE and COLOSSAL RALLY that will happen on April 20, 2005 at Intramuros . Let this leave a bigger mark in history! Let us all join hands and take a stand in this fight! We would never stumble and fall if we all unite.